How to teach children to save using discount coupons

This may seem like an unconventional approach to children and money but if you’re tired of reading about bargaining, piggy banks, savings accounts and money jars then read on.

If you want to teach children how to save money then teach them that money doesn’t buy you happiness. The only way I ever got myself to stop spending so much is when I finally realized that buying everything I saw just because it was pretty, or on sale, was only making me feel worse. It only made me feel more dependent on all this stuff that I didn’t even need. We place so much importance on being able to buy things, and the more expensive the object is the better we think it’ll make us feel, but in the end you just end up feeling just as empty as before.
You keep digging into your pockets for more money until you realize you have none left because the only reason you were spending and buying so much in the first place is because you thought it would make you happier. If money could really make you happy you’d find lasting happiness within simply spending money on the necessities. You wouldn’t feel compelled to keep buying more and more stuff in order to fill your happiness cup. 

 So instead of drilling your kids about how bad it is to spend money, or how they need money in order to live happy and fulfilling lives, teach them to appreciate other things. Teach them to find happiness in nature and friends and conversation and imagination, and most importantly within themselves. If you establish an appreciation for life that comes from within them, as well as an appreciation for things that are right outside your door that are free, such as the beauty of nature, your kids won’t feel such a need to spend all their money on toys they don’t need because no one ever taught them that happiness comes from within. In nature you can play for free.Nature and friends and imagination can offer you one free game after another that your kids will never have to pay for, and you won’t either. Life is full of free games if you just take the emphasis off of money and put it elsewhere.   

Teach your kids that where to get money is not the same place as where to get happiness. Don’t teach them that money is bad or wrong or that having a lot of it somehow makes you greedy and selfish. Money doesn’t make you anything. The way you handle money, and the way you think about money, is the only thing that determines anything. Having little money or lots of money is just a result of how you’re taught to handle money, and not just materialistically, but emotionally as well. Just teach your children that it’s nice to have money. It’s a nice thing to be able to live comfortably and even to be able to give money away to those who are less fortunate when you’re coming from a place of abundance. When you’re coming from a place of no longer depending on money for happiness you will be less tempted to waste money on random gadgets you don’t need.

Yes, you’ll still need money for the necessities. You’ll need to buy food and warm clothes for winter weather. You’ll need to pay the electricity and internet bill and other things to live a comfortable life, and by the time your children are old enough to live on their own they will be so firmly rooted in knowing that money can’t buy you happiness that they won’t have as difficult of a time with choosing between paying the electric bill or buying an Xbox or a $5,000.00 Chanel bag. Because they’ll know that happiness doesn’t come from things. Objects are not made out of happiness, and neither is money. They are made out of paper and plastic and leather and metal, and none of those materials are made out of happiness either. What is made out of happiness is imagination and nature and friends and laughter.

But for those things that your children will need to buy, there are many ways to save money and many resources available. For example, there are many coupon websites where you can print free coupons online such as FreeStyle coupons. Your kids can save on the necessities such as food, and even treat themselves to a night out on the town with great deals on local eats and NY show ticket coupons. With these resources your children will be able to enjoy things even more by knowing that they're saving on top of simply not spending to buy happiness. Saving money doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself to something fun. It doesn’t mean you have to stay in all the time either.
So definitely keep these things in mind when teaching your children about money, but don’t make it all about saving and money. Don’t approach this from a lack perspective, or from a place that is so serious and life threatening. Your kids will get bored and exhausted and discouraged. They’re also going to rebel against anything you try instilling in them that you yourself don’t believe. So if you find yourself doing a lot of impulse buying it would be best to start with yourself. Show yourself that you don’t need things to be happy. You don’t always need to spend, spend, spend to find happiness. If your kids see the truth of that in you they will be more likely to follow your lead, but less likely if you try and teach them something you yourself aren’t fully living. And if you can’t change your ways, (because you can’t teach an old dog new tricks), then show your kids how miserable it can be to be so dependent on money and material wealth.
Children and money don't have to be a huge battle. You can teach children the basics of smart money management once they see that they don’t need to waste money, and more importantly that they don’t need to identify with it in a negative way. From that place they will probably be more willing to learn how to save. You might even get lucky and not have to do much convincing or teaching because they’ll be so happy as they are that they won’t even care about buying things for the sake of happiness. Because if you really want to look at the root of most money issues, it’s believing in the idea that you need a list of material objects in order to be happy, and the only way to get these objects is to spend all your money, which then leaves you broke and unable to pay for the necessities.

What children need to know in the beginning isn’t how to open up a bank account or make interest on their savings. They just need to know that money does not equal happiness, and does not need to be the cause of it either. It’s just something that can add comfort to their lives once they’re happy with themselves as they are, and their life as it is.
Once they get a little older and become more aware of the world and what money really is, then you can start teaching them all about the details of saving money. It doesn’t matter at first if your children deposit their money into a jar or a savings account. If the money is available to them and they believe that their happiness exists in a new pair of shoes, they’re still going to go and take that money out and spend it anyway.
Then they’re going to lie to you about it, and then you’re going to get into a fight with your child and it’s going to make everyone miserable; because the relentless need to possess an object usually far outweighs the consequences of wasting money when you firmly believe you need this thing to be happy.

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